Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Adobe Flash Player Settings Bugs

It's become popular to use Adobe Flash cookies for tracking user behavior. Generally, this is a way for websites and analytics companies to get around your browser privacy settings. Why? Because Adobe Flash has its own privacy settings that are overlooked by most users.

You need to go to Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager to adjust your settings.

Personally, I don't mind normal browser cookies because they are easily removable, controllable, and well known by most normal users. Also, browser cookies are really useful for web applications to keep track of things such as your shopping cart and login status. However these Flash cookies are a different animal.

Check out this example called "Evercookie" which demonstrates creating a cookie that's very hard to delete. Is there really a valid purpose for this?

Anyway, I turn off all storage for Adobe Flash on my computer because I don't trust it. My internet connection is fast and I don't care if I need to download Flash components. Today I went to Fox News to hear their slant on Obama's handling of the financial crisis. I got this pop-up.

So I went to my Adobe Flash settings panel and checked the "never ask again" option. However, it doesn't accept my settings. The pop-up keeps popping up.

It's bugs like this that make me not trust Flash.

Anyway, small rant for a small but annoying problem. Nothing to do with navigation systems.

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